Women in Fluids Network Lunch

Supported by the APS Committee on the Status of Women in Physics

SOLD OUT!  Please contact Leah Mendelson (leahm@mit.edu) to be added to a wait list.

Day/Date/Time: Monday, 23 November, 12:45 – 13:55
Location:  Piattini Cafe - 226 Newbury St. Boston, MA; Tel: (617-536-2020)
Contact: Leah Mendelson (leahm@mit.edu)


To Register go to https://aps15.registerat.com/.  

Join us for this family-style networking lunch for female students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty. For late registration, please email Leah Mendelson (leahm@mit.edu). Space is limited to 50 people. Registration and prepayment of $20 is required in advance.