Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Triantaphyllos R Akylas (chair)
- Thomas Peacock (co-chair)
- Lydia Bourouiba
- Cullen Buie
- John Bush
- Joern Dunkel
- Raffaele Ferrari
- Nicolas Hadjiconstantinou
- Peko Hosoi
- Ruben Juanes
- Roger Kamm
- Pierre Lermusiaux
- Gareth McKinley
- Michael Triantafyllou
Brown University
- Kenny Breuer
- Baylor Fox Kemper
- Jennifer Franck
- George Karniadakis
- Shreyas Mandre
- Brad Marston
- Martin Maxey
- Tom Powers
- Anubhav Tripathi
- Petia Vlahovska
Harvard University
- Michael Brenner
- L. Mahadevan
- Shmuel Rubenstein
- Chris Rycroft
Northeastern University
- Nadine Aubry
- Carlos Hidrovo
- Alireza Karimi
- Reza H. Sheikhi
Boston University
- James Bird
- Kamil Ekinci
University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Yaya Modarres-Sadeghi
- Blair Perot
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Claudia Cenedese
- Karl Helfrich
Boston College
- Andrzej Herczynski
Tufts University
- Jeffrey Guasto
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Seong-kyun Im